Department of Modern Cultures of Asia and Africa
Main research areas:

Research in the Department is devoted to selected aspects of culture and religion in Asia and Africa. The main theme and leitmotif that links various projects conducted within the Department is the exploration of the cultures of the region in their mutual contact. The Division for Research on Sub-Saharan Africa focuses on contemporary cultural elements, while the historical perspective is predominant in the Section for the Study of Cultures along the Silk Road.

Parts of Department:

Section for the Study of Cultures along the Silk Road

Division for Research on Sub-Saharan Africa (DRSSA)



Małgorzata Wielińska-Soltwedel, PhD


Ołena Łucyszyna, PhD, Dr. habil.

Małgorzata Glinicka, PhD

Patrycja Kozieł, PhD

Mariusz Kraśniewski, PhD

Nicolas Levi, PhD

Marek Woźniak, PhD

Krzysztof Gutowski, MA



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