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- Category: Anthropos Doctoral School
- Hits: 478
Dr. Olga Linkiewicz, the Head of the Project, announces recruitment for funded research in the academic exchange programme PROM. The funds will be granted for the participants’ stay at an academic institution abroad.
Project number: PPI/PRO/2019/1/00046
Duration of the project: Oct. 2019 – Sep. 2020
Participants: PhD students of Anthropos Doctoral School IPAS and PhD students of the Institute of History PAS
Number of participants: 10
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- Category: Anthropos Doctoral School
- Hits: 482
We would like to welcome a new PhD student at our Institute – Olga Młynarczyk, MA. Congratulations on admission to Anthropos Doctoral School!
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- Category: Anthropos Doctoral School
- Hits: 520
Application documents are accepted on:
30th Aug. 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
2nd-4th Sept. 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
5th Sept. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
at the Institute of History PAS
IH PAS received funds from PROM project – International exchange of doctoral students and university teachers NAWA. The participants will be PhD students from Poland and other countries (20 people in total), including future PhD students of the Anthropos School. As a result of the exchange, the PhD students will be able to gather material for their dissertations, make archive and library research, as well as present their research projects at seminars at foreign scientific institutions. Announcement of the results: https://nawa.gov.pl/nawa/aktualnosci/wyniki-naboru-wnioskow-o-udzial-w-programie-prom-miedzynarodowa-wymiana-stypendialna-doktorantow-i-kadry-akademickiej
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- Category: Anthropos Doctoral School
- Hits: 479
The announcement provides information about admissions to the Anthropos Doctoral School IPAS for academic year 2019/2020.
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Admission to the Anthropos Doctoral School, Polish Academy Of Sciences (2019/2020)
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- Category: Anthropos Doctoral School
- Hits: 431
Anthropos Doctoral School of the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences was established on 15th March 2019. The agreement on the foundation of the School was signed by directors of nine PAS Institutes: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Institute of Literary Research, Stanisław Leszczyński Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Tadeusz Manteuffel’s Institute of History, Ludwik and Aleksander Birkenmajer’s Institute for the History of Science, Institute of the Polish Language, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Institute of Slavic Studies, Institute of Art.
Anthropos Doctoral School offers a comprehensive study programme which combines training for individual and group work with specialist and interdisciplinary seminars.
Information regarding requirements for admission will published on 31st May 2019.