
We are pleased to inform you that the electronic version of the 36th volume of our journal, Études et Travaux, is already available (in Open Access model) on the journal’s website ( The volume contains a special section devoted to the south-east Arabia, as well as a number of regular contributions.

The 36th volume of Études et Travaux has been co-funded through the programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland entitled “Rozwój czasopism naukowych/Development of scientific journals” (project no. RCN/SP/0612/2021/1).


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the workshop: “Aqua Paphia: The Use and Meaning of Water in Hellenistic-Roman Nea Paphos and Beyond”, which will take place on 5-6 July 2024 via an online platform MS Teams.

The workshop will focus on the links between water and the urban and cultural development of ancient Nea Paphos and other Cypriot and Mediterranean cities during the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

UPDATE! Deadline for proposals: 07 May 2024 (to be sent to ).

For more details, please refer to the attached invitation. We would be sincerely grateful if you could extend it to the interested parties.

We would be delighted if you chose to join us!


Organizing Committee:

Marcin M. Romaniuk, Ph.D. cand.
The Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Michał Michalik, Ph.D. cand.
The Doctoral School in the Humanities, Jagiellonian University of Krakow


SEMINARIU 30.01.24

Seminarium 19.12.2023



Lecture abstract:

Meryl Defour (doctoral candidate at the University of Geneva) will present an innovative methodology for studying the megalithic architecture of Menjez in Akkar, Lebanon. Their study is part of the joint project between the University of Geneva and the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures (2022-2025), co-directed by Tara Steimer-Herbet and Zuzanna Wygnanska, entitled "MEG-A - First megalith builders in the northern Levant".
Twenty-four monuments from Menjez have been studied since 2018. The main objective is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the unique Levantine megalithic construction techniques and to re-establish the "chaînes opératoires" by determining the sequence of actions taken by the builders. This ground-breaking methodology originally developed for a study of the Western European megalithic monuments, notably in Brittany, France, has been applied and customized to suit the Levantine context, specifically focusing on the distinctive basaltic monuments of Menjez and its surrounding areas. By using photogrammetry as a tool, the researchers are able to de-construct the megalithic architecture by analysing the different components of these monuments. Moreover, it is then possible to describe monoliths according to their place within the monument and their geological and geomorphological features. Our work has led us to consider the symbolic aspect expressed in the megalithic architecture of Menjez. Employing this innovative methodology not only yields concrete answers regarding the typology of these monuments but also dramatically reshapes our perception of their construction. It establishes a precise relative chronology for the various architectural phases and, most significantly, reveals the hidden details of the raw material supply chain.

Abstract available here.

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