
Seminarium 28.11.23


Lecture abstract:

In her talk, Dr Edyta Marzec will present her interdisciplinary study of Late Hellenistic Ephesian fine ware pottery found on Delos. In the Late Hellenistic period (the Second Athenian Domination on Delos, 167/166-88/69 BCE), Delos was a duty-free commercial hub trading goods, including fine ware pottery from all over the Mediterranean. Previous macroscopic studies of pottery from Delos indicated that fine wares produced in Ephesus were used on the island. The results of the macroscopic examinations of pottery from Aphrodision and Serapiea integrated with elemental and petrographic analyses of 31 samples confirm this suggestion. Additionally, this study shows that Ephesian fine pottery found on the island is more varied in terms of macroscopic appearance of fabric and shape than reported so far on Delos. The macroscopic variability of fabric seems to be a result of varied firing processes, including different atmospheres, temperatures as well as arrangements of vessels in kilns. The integration of the results of pottery study with other archaeological evidence indicates that the presence of Ephesian pottery on the island might be related not only with its trading role but also with the customer preferences as well as the presence of the Ephesian community on Delos.

Abstract available here.

BORDERSCAPE Seminars Liszka

 The project is funded by the Norway Grants Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 ( through the Polish National Science Centre ( Call (2020/37/K/HS3/04097).


Link to the meeting on MS Teams:

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            Abstract available here.

SEMINARIUM 31.10.2023

Seminar abstract:

In his lecture, Dr Mohamed Osman will present the first results of a new Humboldt University project ‘The Coptite and Theban Eastern Desert Hinterlands survey (CTEDH)’ focusing on the so far unexplored part of the Eastern Desert in Egypt, an archaeological terra incognita. In order to understand human interactions within the specific landscape of this part of the Eastern Desert, the project aims to investigate the important issue of the coexistence of different cultural groups (agents), in particular their mobility, using the new technologies of digital documentation, remote sensing, GIS and spatial analysis. It will focus on establishing the chronological and spatial significance of this area within the ancient eastern desert landscape from a new perspective. The first mission of the project took place in September 2023 and sought to document and analyse the ancient desert landscape within a case study area located in the eastern hinterland of the Coptic and Theban nomes in Upper Egypt. The project leaders are Dr Mohamed Osman (Freie Universität Berlin), Dr Rebecca Doehl (specialist in prehistoric landscape archaeology at Humboldt Universität Berlin) and Mr Sayed Shoura (PhD student).

Abstract available here.


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We are pleased to announce that Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia is now available on the journal’s website: 


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   This volume, which contains articles by authors from all over the world, has been co-financed by the programme of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science entitled 'Development of Scientific Journals' for the years 2022-2024 (project no. RCN/SP/0163/2021/1).

   Not only do we encourage you to read this issue, but we would also like to invite you to contribute to the journal in the future.

Volume is available here:



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