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We are pleased to announce that Dr Nicolas Levi (Section for the Study of Cultures along the Silk Road, Department of Modern Cultures of Asia and Africa) has been awarded funding under the MINIATURA 8 competition for the project entitled “An analysis of the heritage of Confucianism on the Korean Peninsula based on documents of the Research Center of the Cultural Preservation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) – Library queries in Seoul”.
A list of subsidised projects is available on https://www.ncn.gov.pl/konkursy/wyniki/miniatura8.
We would like to congratulate Dr Nicolas Levi and wish him much success!
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- Hits: 144
We would like to congratulate Katarzyna Kapiec (Department of Ancient Egyptian and Near East Cultures) on receiving a grant
from the National Science Centre in the Sonatina 8 competition!
Grant title: Textiles in the Ritual Context in the New Kingdom Ancient Egypt: Lexicography, Symbolism and Use.
Project number: 2024/52/C/HS3/00352
Project implementation period: 2024 - 2027
The amount awarded: 649 487 PLN
Short description of the grant:
The main goal of the project is to elucidate the multifaceted use of textiles in ritual contexts during the New Kingdom through lexicographic and iconographic analyses, as well as interdisciplinary research on the pigments used in depictions. The investigation will provide comprehensive insights into the symbolic and ritual significance of linen, filling gaps in the research on Egyptian textiles and expanding our understanding of ancient Egyptian rituals.
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- Hits: 188
We would like to congratulate Leszek Zinkow, PhD, Dr. Habil. (Department of Ancient Egyptian and Near East Cultures) on receiving funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Grant title: Egyptomania: reception of the legacy of ancient Egypt in Polish culture (19th-21st century) in the European context.
Project executive: Leszek Zinkow, PhD, Dr. Habil.
Project number: NPRH/DN/SP/0210/2023/12
Funding source: Ministry of Science and Higher Education, National Program for the Development of the Humanities, National Heritage Competition 12.
Project implementation period: 2024 - 2029
The amount awarded: 489 668,51 PLN
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- Category: news
- Hits: 143
Dear all,
We are delighted to invite you to our workshop: “Aqua Paphia. The Use And Meaning Of Water In Hellenistic-Roman Nea Paphos And Beyond” that will be held this Friday and Saturday (5 - 6 July 2024) in the online webinar mode via MS Teams.
The workshop will focus on the role of water in the urban and cultural development of ancient Nea Paphos and other Hellenistic-Roman cities in Cyprus and the wider Mediterranean region.
All those interested in joining the event are asked to register by 4 July using the links below. Please note that each day requires a separate registration.
The workshop programme is attached here.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at .
Link for the registration to Day 1 - 05.07.2024 (Friday): https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/3532d5df-a1e9-4506-ab3e-a8938fc86c32@eb0e26eb-bfbe-47d2-9e90-ebd2426dbceb
Link for the registration to Day 2 - 06.07.2024 (Saturday): https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/6b1f4969-e5b2-45f7-954f-7bea7df2698c@eb0e26eb-bfbe-47d2-9e90-ebd2426dbceb
We hope to see you there!
Marcin M. Romaniuk, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences
Michał Michalik, Jagiellonian University, Doctoral School in the Humanities, Jagiellonian University
Eudoksja Papuci-Władyka, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Archaeology and University of Warsaw, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology