Specjalizacja i zainteresowania badawcze:
- Archeologia Półwyspu Arabskiego w okresie umajjadzkim i abbasydzkim, w szczególności architektura i dekoracja architektoniczna;
- stiukowe dekoracje architektoniczne w sztuce sasanidzkiej Persji oraz Mezopotamii i Półwyspu Arabskiego w okresie wczesnoislamskim;
- architektura chrześcijańska w Iraku i w regionie Zatoki Perskiej w okresie wczesnoislamskim;
- ikonografia sztuki wczesnoislamskiej.
W IKŚiO PAN realizuje projekt: Zatoka Perska w okresie umajjadzkim i abbasydzkim jako „region artystyczny”.
Działalność naukowa:
2013-2017: Doktorat w Szkole Archeologii Uniwersytetu Oksfordzkiego, rozprawa: Christian Stucco Decoration in Southern Mesopotamia and the Persian Gulf Region, Sixth to Ninth Centuries
2012-2013: studia magisterskie (MA) w zakresie: Art and Architecture of the Islamic Middle East School, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
2010-2011: indywidualny program studiów w Akademii Artes Liberales łączący historię sztuki na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim z wybranymi kursami realizowanymi w Instytucie Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
2006-2011: studia magisterskie na kierunku historia sztuki, Uniwersytet Jagielloński
1. Stucco decorations discovered in the monastic church of al-Qusur on Failaka island, Kuwait, in Al-Qusur, a Christian Settlement from the Early Islamic Period on Failaka, vol. 1. Excavations of the French-Kuwaiti Archaeological Mission in Failaka (2011–2018) ed. J. Bonnéric, Kuwait City: National Council for Culture, Arts & Letters/ Presses de l’Ifpo (in press)
2. The Beribboned Cross in Christian Art of the Early Islamic Period in Iraq and the Gulf, in Christianity in Iraq at the turn of Islam: History & Archaeology, ed. N. Ali Amin, J. Bonnéric, B. Couturaud, (=Bibliothèque archéologique et historique), Beirut: Presses de l’Ifpo 2022 (in press)
3. Chronology of Stucco Production in the Gulf and Southern Mesopotamia in the early Islamic Period, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 47 (2017), 151-161
4. Functions of spolia in Umayyad Architecture, Art of the Orient 2 (2013), 7-17
5. Architektura wczesnochrześcijańska w Arabii Wschodniej na przykładzie kościołów w Jubail, Al- Qusur i Al-Khawr, in Sympozja Kazimierskie poświęcone kulturze świata późnego antyku i wczesnego chrześcijaństwa, vol. 8, ed. A. Głowa, B. Iwaszkiewicz-Wronikowska, Lublin: TN KUL 2013, 317-325
Wybrane prezentacje:
5/5/19 What do plaques decorated with crosses from Bazyan (Iraqi Kurdistan) tell us about artistic contacts between Christian communities of northern and southern Mesopotamia, and the Persian Gulf in the early Islamic period?
‘Christianity in Iraq at the Turn of Islam’, round table organized by the French Institute of the Near East (IFPO) with the support of Salahaddin University, University of Salahaddin, Erbil
15/11/18 Seventh- to Ninth-Century Churches in the Persian Gulf as ‘Museums of Forms’, The Khalili Research Centre Seminar, University of Oxford
6/7/2017 Religious views of Zoroastrians, Christians and Muslims materialized in stuccoes of late antique Mesopotamia 'Talking Religion: Discussing Religious Materiality', a workshop organized by TORCH and the Empires of Faith Project', University of Oxford
29/07/2016 Christian stucco production on Failaka Island: Between Mesopotamia and the southern Gulf The 50th Seminar for Arabian Studies, British Museum, London
8/5/2015 Stuccoes of al Hira: Between Persia and the Byzantine Empire ‘Transcultural Approaches to the Object in the Ashmolean Museum’, Oxford-Princeton workshop organized by the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
9/04/2015 Sasanian Motifs in Christian Stucco Decorations in Mesopotamia and the Gulf Region in Late Antiquity Symposia Iranica conference, Downing College, University of Cambridge. The paper was awarded with an honourable mention.
30/05/2014 Christian Stucco Decorations in Mesopotamia and the Gulf Region in Late Antiquity ‘Material Memories: Exploring Objects in the Ashmolean’, a series of lectures organized by the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford