Research Staff


Researcher of the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures PAS since December 2020



Working hours: at 9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.

Section: Department of Egyptian and Near Eastern Cultures



Specialization and research interests:

•    Prehistoric and historic archaeology of the Nile Valley and the Sahara
•    Ancient Nubia and Egypt
•    Culture contact and interregional interactions
•    Pastoralism
•    Landscape archaeology
•    Funerary archaeology
•    Material culture (pottery and rock art)


Academic activity:

Maria graduated with honours in Near Eastern Studies at Sapienza University of Rome (1993) and owned a PhD in African Studies (Archaeology) from University of Naples L’Orientale (2001). She held teaching, research, and curatorial positions at Yale University (postdoc, associate research scholar and lecturer 2008-2013), University of Leicester (research associate and teaching fellow 2014-2017), University of Birmingham (teaching fellow 2016-2017), and the British Museum (visiting curator 2003-2005). More recently, Maria has been the Simpson Visiting Professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo (2019), Visiting Professor of Archaeology at the University of Bologna (2018), and Guest Lecturer at Sapienza University of Rome (2018). Since 2017, she is an Honorary Visiting Fellow at the School of Archaeology and Ancient History of University of Leicester. In December 2020 Maria joined the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, where she will direct (2021-2023) a new research project entitled ‘BORDERSCAPE – Egyptian state formation and the changing socio-spatial landscape of the First Nile Cataract region in the 4th-3rd millennia BCE’. The project is founded by the Norway Grants-Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 Basic Research Programme through the Polish National Science Centre-POLS Call (2020/37/K/HS3/04097). Since 2005 she is the PI and co-director of the Aswan-Kom Ombo Archaeological Project in Egypt.




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