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Researcher of the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures PAS since 2017
Working hours: Tuesday, Wednesday at 9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. Section: Department of Islamic Civilization Room. 313 Tel. (22) 657 27 34 |
Specialization and research interests:
Arabist, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Culture, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Her scientific interests include: Egyptian mass culture (with special emphasis on Ramadan TV series and patriotic songs), the socio-cultural situation of contemporary Egypt, teaching of Islam in Egyptian governmental textbooks, globalization in the Arab world, dialects in Egypt, everyday life in Arab countries and issuing fatwas in the Muslim countries.
In the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures she is conducting courses in Arabic and Egyptian dialect.
In 2017-2021 Dr Wolny-Abouelwafa was responsible for adding updates to the website of the Institute.
Academic activity:
A holder of PhD degree (from the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at Warsaw University), prepared her Ph.D. dissertation about textbooks used for Islamic education in government-run primary schools throughout Egypt in the school years 2013/14 – 2015/16; member of the Polish Oriental Society.
1. Participation in a scientific project realized by Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences: Szkoła lwowsko-warszawska a wybrane problemy współczesnej psychologii, semiotyki i filozofii ("Lviv-Warsaw School and Selected Issues of Contemporary Psychology, Semiotics and Philosophy"), (0131/FNiTPIH11/80/2011) as part of the programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education titled "Narodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistyki" ("National Programme of Development of Humanities") in years 2012-2016;
project coordinator: prof. Jerzy Bobryk.
Her task: task: lingustic analysis. i.e. frequency analysis of Quran in original version; date of participation: 28.10–10.12.2015.
Published books:
- ISLAM AND CIVIC EDUCATION IN EGYPT. Analysis of Textbooks for Islamic Upbringing, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2020, ISBN 978-83-960831-0-4, eISBN 978-83-960831-4-2.
Published articles and chapters:
- Representations of Egyptian Society in Egyptian Patriotic Video Clips (2018-2020), in Cultural, Social and Political Dimensions of Non-European Societies: Case Studies of Selected Sociaties in Asia and the Middle East, edited by Joanna Marszałek-Kawa, Jakub Zajączkowski, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2021, ISBN 978-83-8180-516-2, pp. 175-196.
- The way women are portrayed in the Egyptian TV series Il-Kabīr Awī, in Bliski Wschód w świecie: historia, polityka, kultura ("Middle East in the world: history, politics, culture"), edited by Marta Woźniak-Bobińska, Katedra Bliskiego Wschodu i Północnej Afryki UŁ, Łódź 2021, ISBN 978-83-63547-12-7, pp. 217-232.
- Challenges Facing the Country and the Policy of Egyptian Authorities - Examples of Activities on the Political and Educational Level, in "Przegląd Orientalistyczny" ("Oriental Review"), No 2-3 (274-275), Warsaw 2020, pp. 233-243.
Egipskie seriale ramadanowe wobec wyzwań i zagrożeń współczesności ("Egyptian Ramadan TV series in relation to contemporary challenges and threats"), in Bliski Wschód wobec wyzwań i zagrożeń współczesności ("Middle East in relation to contemporary challenges and threats"), edited by Marta Woźniak-Bobińska, KBWiPA UŁ, Łódź 2020, ISBN 978-83-63547-07-3, pp. 139-153.
- Pride in History - Particularly Pharaonic - in Contemporary Egyptian Songs as a part of Shaping National Identity, in EGYPT YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Between Tradition and Modernity, edited by Karol Myśliwiec, Katarzyna Pachniak, Karolina Nabożna, Edyta Wolny-Abouelwafa, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures Polish Academy of Sciences & Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies Faculty of Oriental Studies University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2019, ISBN 978-83-948004-9-9, eISBN 978-83-952189-0-3, pp. 69-86.
- The Content of Egyptian Textbooks for Islamic Education in Primary Schools, in "Hemispheres. Studies on Cultures and Societies", Vo. 34, Warsaw 2019, pp. 41-54.
- Kształtowanie postaw obywatelskich poprzez ukazywanie koegzystencji muzułmanów i chrześcijan w Egipcie ("Shaping civil attitudes through showing coexistence between Muslims and Christians in Egypt"), in Świat arabski w języku, literaturze i kulturze ("The Arab World in language, literature and culture"), edited by M. Kubarek, M. Lewicka, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2018, ISBN 978-83-8019-941-5, pp. 90-103.
- Próba łączenia tradycji i nowoczesności w orzecznictwie religijnym na podstawie wybranych fatw wydanych przez Dar al-Ifta‘ al-misrijja ("An attempt to combine tradition and modernity in religious jurisprudence based on selected fatwas issued by Dar al-ifta‘ al-misriyah"), in "Przegląd Orientalistyczny" ("Oriental Review"), No 1-2 (265-266), Warsaw 2018, ISSN -0033-2283, pp. 141-153.
- Bogactwo semantyczne jednej z okładek czasopisma "Hurrijati" w analizie kognitywnej ("The semantic richness of one of the covers of "Horiyaty" magazine in cognitive analysis"), in "Orientaliści kognitywnie" ("Orientalists in the cognitive research"), edited by J. Jurewicz, Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa, Warsaw 2018, ISBN 978-83-8017-191-6, pp. 95-104.
- Nauczanie kultury osobistej w ramach nauczania religii muzułmańskiej w rządowych szkołach podstawowych we współczesnym Egipcie ("The teaching of good manners as part of Islamic education in government primary schools in contemporary Egypt"), in "Między ekskluzją a inkluzją w edukacji religijnej" ("Between exclusion and inclusion in religious education") edited by M. Humeniuk, I. Paszenda, Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2017, ISBN 978-83-62618-34-7, pp. 276-287.
- Wyzwania wychowawcze i edukacyjne stojące przed muzułmanami w Egipcie w dobie globalizacji ("Pedagogical and educational challenges faced by Muslims in Egypt in Times of Globalization"), in "Edukacja w zglobalizowanym świecie" ("Education in in the era of globalization") edited by V. Tarnaś, W.Welskop, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Biznesu i Nauki o Zdrowiu w Łodzi; Łódź 2016, ISBN 978-83-940080-6-2, pp. 265-275.
- Historia w egipskich podręcznikach do wychowania muzułmańskiego (2013/2014 do 2015/2016) jako czynnik kształtujący postawy uczniów ("History in Egyptian Textbooks for Islamic Education (2013/2014 to 2015/2016) as a Factor Shaping Students` Attitudes"), in "Przegląd Orientalistyczny" ("Oriental Review") No 1-2 (257-258), Warsaw 2016, ISSN -0033-2283, pp. 231-240.
Scientific editing:
- EGYPT YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Between Tradition and Modernity, edited by K. Myśliwiec, K. Pachniak, K. Nabożna, E. Wolny-Abouelwafa, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures Polish Academy of Sciences & Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies Faculty of Oriental Studies University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2019, ISBN 978-83-948004-9-9, eISBN 978-83-952189-0-3.
- Amakin wa-Asma. Miejsca i Nazwy. Geografia historyczna i toponomastyka świata muzułmańskiego. Odkrycia, interpretacje, podsumowania, perspektywy ("Amakin wa-Asma. Places and Names. Historical Geography and Toponomy of the Muslim World. Discoveries, Interpretations, Recapitulation, Prospects"), edited by M. G. Witkowski, E. Wolny, B. R. Zagórski, Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych PAN, Warsaw 2018, ISBN: 978-83-948004-3-7, eISBN: 978-83-948004-4-4.
Scientific consultation:
- Ziemia Świętego Charbela ("Saint Charbel’s Land"), author: Marcin Kołpanowicz, Wydawnictwo AA, Kraków 2016, ISBN: 978-83-7864-233-6.
Active participation in conferences:
- Being under the control of drugs... way of presenting a huge social problem (drug addiction) in the Egyptian series "Taht as-Saytara" as a part of International Conference Societies and Cultures of Asia and Africa: Past and Present, Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 11-12.10.2021 r.
- Twórczość libańskiej gwiazdy pop - Nancy Ajram dla Egiptu ("Works by Lebanese pop star Nancy Ajram for Egypt") as a part of panel e-discussion entitled: "Świat arabski - wybrane zagadnienia i różne perspektywy" ("Arab world - selected issues and different perspectives) as a part of 8th International Asian Congress, 30.09.2021.
- Relations between the United Arab Emirates and Egypt as presented in the contemporary songs as a part of the Culture Made in Arabia International Online Conference, New York University Abu Dhabi, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi & Centre Français d'Etudes sur la Péninsule Arabique, 06.04.2021.
- Jakie jest społeczeństwo egipskie przedstawione w wybranych teledyskach patriotycznych? ("What is the Egyptian society like presented in selected patriotic video clips?") as a part of webinair entitled: "Społeczeństwo Egiptu XX i XXI-go wieku - rożne aspekty i perspektywy" ("Egyptian society of the 20th and 21st century - different aspects and perspectives") as a part of 7th International Asian Congress, 27.11.2020.
- „Bint maṣriyya ṣaʿīdiyya wa-aṣīla” i inne kobiety w serialu Al-Kabīr Awī ("„Bint maṣriyya ṣaʿīdiyya wa-aṣīla” and other women in Al-Kabīr Awī series") as a part of National e-Conference: "XVII Dni Arabskie" (XVII Arabic Days), University of Łódź, 21-22.10.2020.
- Egipskie seriale ramadanowe wobec wyzwan i zagrożeń współczesności ("Egyptian Ramadan TV series in relation to contemporary challenges and threats") as part of National Conference: "XVI Dni Arabskie" (XVI Arabic Days), Łódź, University of Łódź, 15-16.05.2019.
- What "Love Egypt" means - expected attitudes comming from popular contemporary Egyptian national songs and video clips as a part of the 5th WOCMES (World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies), Seville (Spain), University of Seville, 16-20.07.2018.
- "We`re the sons of the Pharaohs and we`re proud to be Egyptians" – duma z historii jako istotny element kreowania tożsamości Egipcjan na podstawie wybranych piosenek i teledysków z lat 2011-2016 (""We`re the sons of the Pharaohs and we`re proud to be Egyptians" – Taking pride in history as a crucial element of shaping Egyptians’ identity on the basis of selected songs and video clips from 2011-2016") as a part of the 1st edition of National Scientific Conference: EGIPT WCZORAJ I DZIŚ. Między tradycją a nowoczesnością (EGYPT - YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Between Tradition and Modernity), Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 27-28.11.2017.
- Content of Egyptian textbooks for Islamic education in primary schools as one of the methods solving the country’s problems by making people aware of civic attitudes as part of the International Scientific Conference: "Religious dynamics in contemporary Egypt", Cairo (Egypt), Institut Franҫais d`Egypte-Mounira, 10–12.09.2017.
- Sposób ukazywania obrazu braterskiej koegzystencji i współpracy wyznawców islamu i chrześcijaństwa w Egipcie na przestrzeni ostatnich kilku lat jako czynnik kształtujący postawy obywatelskie na podstawie wybranych tekstów kultury ("Ways of showing images of brotherhood co-existence and cooperation between Christians and Muslims in Egypt in recent years as a factor shaping civic attitudes on the basis of selected cultural texts") as part of 10th National Arabic Conference „Świat arabski w języku, historii i kulturze” ("The Arab World in Language, History and Culture"), Toruń, Nicolaus Copernicus University on 08.06, 2017.
- Phenomenon of the Al-Kabeer Awi series as an instrument to diagnose cultural discrepancies in contemporary Egyptian society and their resolution via consensus and assimilation as part of National Student-Doctoral Scientific Conference conducted in English: "The Mosaic of Contemporary Arab World", Krakow, Jagiellonian University, 27.05.2017.
- Wybrane przykłady fatw jako dowód na połączenie ciągłości i zmiany w religijnym życiu codziennym muzułmanów ("Selected examples of fatwa as evidence of combining continuity and change in everyday religious Muslim life") as part of the 4th National Oriental Conference: "Religia i społeczeństwo – ciągłość czy zmiana?" ("Religion and Society – Continuity or Change?"), Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 09.05.2017.
- Między Ameryką a Górnym Egiptem, czyli świat przedstawiony w serialu Al-Kabeer Awi jako satyra egipskiej rzeczywistości ("Between America and Upper Egypt, the world shown in Al-Kabeer Awi series as satire of Egyptian reality") as part of the 5th Interdisciplinary Student-Doctoral Scientific Conference: "Między Wschodem a Zachodem, między Północą a Południem" ("Between East and West, Between North and South’’), Warsaw, Warsaw University, 30.05.2016.
- Obraz islamu wyłaniający się z egipskich podręczników do wychowania muzułmańskiego w szkołach podstawowych w roku szkolnym 2015/2016 ("The image of Islam emerging from Egyptian textbooks for Islamic education in primary schools in school year 2015/2016") as part of Student-Doctoral Conference "Islam ponowoczesny - różne oblicza islamu", ("Post-modern Islam – Different Images of Islam"), Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 16.05.2016.
- Wyzwania wychowawcze i edukacyjne stojące przed muzułmanami w Egipcie w dobie globalizacji ("Pedagogical and educational challenges faced by Muslims in Egypt in the era of globalization") as part of the 3rd International Scientific E-conference from the cycle "Pedagogika XXI wieku - dylematy i wyzwania EDUKACJA W ZGLOBALIZOWANYM ŚWIECIE" ("21st century pedagogy – Dilemmas and Challenges EDUCATION IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD"), Łódź, The Academy of Business and Health Sciences, 12.05.2016.
- Wybrane elementy historii w egipskich podręcznikach do wychowania muzułmańskiego w rządowych szkołach podstawowych w latach szkolnych od 2013/2014 do 2015/2016 ("Selected elements of history in Egyptian textbooks for Islamic education in government primary schools in school years from 2013/2014 till 2015/2016") as part of the 3rd National Oriental Conference: "Pamięć historyczna w kulturach krajów Azji i Afryki" ("Historical Memory in Cultures of Asia and Africa"), Warsaw, Warsaw University, 18.04.2016.
- Nauczanie kultury osobistej w ramach nauczania religii muzułmańskiej w rządowych szkołach podstawowych we współczesnym Egipcie ("The teaching of good manners as part of Islamic education in government primary schools in contemporary Egypt") as part of the National Scientific Conference: MIĘDZY EKSKLUZJĄ A INKLUZJĄ W EDUKACJI RELIGIJNEJ ("BETWEEN EXCLUSION AND INCLUSION IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION"), Wrocław, Wrocław University, 03.12.2015.
- Sławią jednego – pociągają tłumy, czyli piosenki na cześć prezydenta As-Sisiego ("Glorify one – attract crowds, songs praising president El-Sisi") as part of the Scientific Conference: "Tożsamość w świecie arabskim i muzułmańskim" ("Identity in the Arab and Muslim World"), Warsaw, University of Warsaw, 25.05.2015.
- Co-organizer of the National Scientific E-Conference: Tysiąc jeden arabskich miast ("One Thousand Arab Cities"), organised on 28.10.2020; Organizing institution: Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of Polish Academy of Sciences.
- Founder and co-organizer of the 1st edition of the National Scientific Conference: EGIPT WCZORAJ I DZIŚ. Między tradycją a nowoczesnością (EGYPT - YESTERDAY AND TODAY. Between Tradition and Modernity) held at Warsaw University on 27–28.11.2017; Organizing institutions: Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of Polish Academy of Sciences & Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Warsaw.
- Co-organizer of the 1st edition of the National Scientific Conference AMAKIN WA-ASMA. Geografia historyczna i toponomastyka świata muzułmańskiego - odkrycia, interpretacje, podsumowania, perspektywy ("AMAKIN WA-ASMA. Historical Geography and Toponomy of the Muslim World – Discoveries, Interpretations, Recapitulation, Prospects) held in Staszic Palace on 15.02.2017; Organizing institutions: Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of Polish Academy of Sciences & Ibn Chaldun Institute.
Popularization of science
- "Muzułmanie i chrześcijanie w Egipcie – obraz prezentowany w mediach" ("Muslims and Christians in Egypt - the image presented in media") as a part of Oriental University of the Third Age on 10.11.2021 r.
- "<My jesteśmy Egipcjanami. Nikt nie mówi: jakim Egipcjaninem jesteś?> ("<We are Egyptians. Nobody says: what kind of Egyptian are you?>") as a part of Oriental University of the Third Age on 27.10.2021 r.
- Czy w przypadku ramadanu można mówić o świątecznym klimacie? (“Can we talk about the festive atmosphere in the case of Ramadan?”) as a part of 24rd The Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre, 8-15.05.2021; in the cooperation with Ms. Karolina Nabożna.
- Miesiąc ramadan w religii muzułmańskiej i kulturze popularnej wybranych krajów arabskich ("Month of Ramadan in the Muslim Religion and Pop-culture of the selected Arab countries") as a part of Oriental University of the Third Age on 23.01.2020.
- Jak Egipcjanie świętują ważne dla siebie wydarzenia z życia rodzinnego? ("How the Egyptians celebrate important events in their family life?") as a part of Oriental University of the Third Age on 29.11.2018.
- Assistant for the lecture Cykl życia w islamie ("Cycle of Life in Islam") held as part of the series Między religiami ("Between Religions") for the Museum of History of Polish Jews on 22.05.2017.
- Wybrane elementy życia codziennego współczesnego świata arabskiego ("Selected Elements of Everyday Life in the Modern Arab World") as part of African and Arabic Day at Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej ("The Maria Grzegorzewska University") on 20.05.2016.
- Conducting courses and e-courses in Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian dialect in the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Seminars with students of the Józef Chełmoński Secondary Comprehensive School no. 1 in Łowicz, 14.11.2019.
- Preparing the workshops on writting names in Arabic, titled "What is your name?" as a part of XXIII Festiwal Nauki ("23rd Science Festival") in Warsaw, 28.09.2019.
- Arabic calligraphy workshops as a part of II Mały Piknik Naukowy ("2nd Little Science Picnic") in Łowicz, 07.06.2019.
- Preparing information about games in the Middle East as a part of Noc Muzeów ("The Night of Museums") at the Staszic Palace , 18.05.2019.
- "Games and plays in the Middle East" as a part of 22nd The Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre, 09.06.2018.